Sign In The Bun Jokes: 2010


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Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Let the Apple Fall again !

What is the special ingredient which can help you to be different among that swarm of aimlessly moving crowd? The answer to this simple question is to "EXPLORE". We have loadz of things around us, the necessity is to search and chose the best possible option. 

As a Software Engineer, options are many but choosing from the following would really help you to create a not-so-typed-profile: So here we go....let your mind breathe...Let the apple fall again ..! 

Microsoft Student Partners

The Microsoft Student Partners is a worldwide educational program to sponsor students majoring in disciplines related to technology. The MSP program attempts to enhance students' employability by offering training in skills not usually taught in academia, including knowledge in various Microsoft technologies.
The program is available in most countries, and all students in college and university level are eligible to apply. Typically, few most skilled students from each institution are chosen at a time. If accepted, Student Partners are assumed to further share the knowledge among the academic community by, for example, arranging courses, giving presentations and initiating projects

Google Ambassador

The Google Student Ambassador Program is an opportunity for students to act as liaisons between Google and their universities. These ambassadors …
  • Learn about innovative Google products and programs
  • Plan and host fun events on campus
  • Act as a campus contact for Google teams
  • Help Google better understand each university’s culture


Opera Campus Crew

Are you a student or educator passionate about bringing Opera and Web standards to your campus?* Then become a volunteer member of the Opera Campus Crew, and join our team of more than 700 Opera representatives at 400 schools and universities in 40 countries around the world! The Opera Campus Crew is a community outreach initiative to spread the word about Opera and Web standards on campuses.
Membership in the Opera Campus Crew is open to students from all degrees and majors. Be the gateway between Opera and your campus!


Mozilla Campus Representative

Be the face of Mozilla at your school and help spread the word about Firefox and why it's the browser of choice for students everywhere.

Feel the need to educate people about why Firefox is the best browser on campus? Know people that are passionate about open source software and the participatory Web? If you answered Yes to any of those questions, you should be a Mozilla Campus Rep!   

Source: From various heads

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

A tickle of clock and a cup of coffee!

I wrote down this thing on one of the desks of my classroom. Scribbling something is my passion and often is an ingredient of my works. I lost this poem but i tried to recollect and present this in its pristine form.
If you find such stuff written on any of your desk, please notify me. I'll really be thankful to you.
~Sanidhya Nanavati

A tickle of clock and a cup of coffee!

I sat down,
On a chair near bar
Asked for a coffee
Two cup and cakes
With some cinnamon and some flakes
It was nine, still half to go
As I watched the sun for a toast

A tickle of clock and a cup of coffee!

The porcelain glittered,
As beam smirked
I took up my coffee mug
Poured some milk and choco crumbs
 With a newsletter in my hand
I savored till the last dearth
As time passed, timepiece clicked
Helio rose to its sturdy peak  

A tickle of clock and a cup of coffee!

I was eying the rolling door
To watch some clink
On the keeper’s door
Clock tickled and      
She entered in pink
With teashade glasses
And a glittery elegance 
She brought with her
Some rustic fragrance,
An aura of glee.
I set down with my lids upright
As I watched the Venus
Drawing her steps
Headed my side
A man escorted her to my desk
With grinning husk

A tickle of clock and a cup of coffee!

This was the time I waited for
The golden chance
Created for.
The crimson princess
Approached my side,
I wished her with subtle delight
She bent her head
With a calliphony laugh
My appearance was her reflection
 I brought down my ruddy visage
I ordered toast and a cream glass
Refilled my mug and cakes chart

A tickle of clock and a cup of coffee!

As moment passed
Iit was pretty long,
Loquacious bug
Sunk teeth along
We chatted
For eighteen and half songs
This Coffee tasted better
And The Clock tickled as ever

A tickle of clock and a cup of coffee!

The door bell clinked
And there entered my best friend
With no arbitration,
I embraced
His thoughts puzzled
Grey cells Bamboozled
It was a satiation for my soul
A pristine happiness
Again made my drink sweeter

A tickle of clock and a cup of coffee!

With a goony smile I asked a refill,
Of cakes and coffees and creams
Ecstatic talks, Fluttered dais
It was a bright afternoon
I put myself on my toes
Slid a bit of coffee
Hot relishing cherishing
My friend rose and she rose with him
Holding my hand firm
I saw a stick skimming up
From a pouch
Clock didn’t tickled
Nor coffee engrossed
I was stuck and numb

A tickle of clock and a cup of coffee!

The stick was an unfortunate white
Which guides few and lay paths
For the ones with cursed fate
Those eyes behind the glass
Was gloomy dark
Which needs help
From a white cane.
I exchanged looks
With the humble being
My friend, you are
It’s a brave resolution
My heart slurred my soul again
As my clock tickled again
Coffee was sweet until now
I found some beans there again
The actual taste blossomed
The real essence
Rich cadence
Time and Clock And Coffee and Life
 Everything was related alike

My mind stalk a sneaky apostrophe
A tickle of clock and a cup of coffee!

Creative Commons License
A tickle of clock and a cup of coffee by Sanidhya Nanavati is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.5 India License.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

KNOL: A potential substitute for WIKI..…NOT!!

~Sanidhya Nanavati
 Knol is not derived from any Latin utterance meaning something weird which can further complicate this interesting discovery, it is just an abbreviation of the word “knowledge”. As Joules are units of energy, we can consider knol as a unit of knowledge. But, what the heck this Knol is? Simple, it’s a bit of some information for the people, by the people about SOMETHING written in a way so that reader can understand everything about anything. Confused? Well, the leader of this project, Udi Manber can make it clear. According to him Knol pages are "meant to be the first thing someone who searches for this topic for the first time will want to read". Knol provides you independence of language, front, style of lettering, speech and what not. But, you should have a Google account to take benefit out of this obsession. Knols can be an article written by one or more authors representing their opinions or a company describing about its product or new launches while others related to how-to-s or even a recipe to cook a particular dish. A reader can like or dislike the article and even can comment over asserts in the article. Similar to a YouTube video, it can get popularity or even banned if it contains prohibited stuff according to the codes of Knol. With Google as a backhand search engine, the greatest power on earth after ‘Rakhi Sawant’, your knol can get visibility in search results and even enough popularity to attract adverts (shh…it’s a secret).
Stupid wiki thinks that “The more good free content, the better for the world” but we are concerned how they can compete with such expansive elaborate freely structured knoll. It is assumed that Google is trying to guzzle netting bazaar from Wiki. The thing which is making a difference between typed logical searches by wikis, other ‘cyclopedias and Knol is that the articles in here are more of a perception based analysis rather than from a neutral podium, that is; the articles have authors as their ‘owners’ with rights over their literary works and belongs to their way of thinking. But we deciphered that, this can pretense few (actually many) problems of redundant articles with lots of superfluous or erroneous information which will make things easier-said-than-done for user to search. Still, knoll is in nascent stage, can’t say of what next. It’s the champion of this milieu (the WWW…oops…we meant Google) is standing against a giant of Encylopods. The fight would be out of the ordinary. May the best Man-euver win.                                                                                                                                    
Creative Commons License
KNOL: A potential substitute for WIKI..…NOT!! by Sanidhya Nanavati is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Excerpt from ode! Be expressive

~ S@nidhya

Words or speech are something high

They preach you or can destroy

Prudential way can lead your path

If be wrong ‘bout, then much to cry

The great to do with this eerie stuff

Is to fake-forge and sometime Bluff

Cause true you speak with less gimmick

Will leave your life anguish-y tough

Words are tough, tougher to tame

One needs grey to win this game

With no teeth, no potence to speak

I wish,wanna be a child again!

That’s a pearl of water or a saline treat

I wish someone please they retreat

Call it emotional sadistic play or

Please don’t be a scorn mistreat

Some tiny buds sleek leak from eyes,

Few flow fury with phony despise

Many don’t think that they’ll let it out,

Cause their chastised spirit often cries

Try some hard or let that be in vain

Let your’lids speak that veiled pain

With my eyes that cried for milk

I wish, wanna be a child again

Creative Commons License
Excerpt from ode! Be expressive by Sanidhya Nanavati is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Dark Net..!!

-Sanidhya Nanavati

What is the easiest way to search anything and everything on earth? GOOGLE! Think again! Shocked? We do have an answer for this though! “Google it”! Nowadays, this phrase (or two words) is often used instead of what we something call search. Google knows everything! But you really need to check your wits again because what Google answers is just a lagoon bifurcated from the deep dark ocean of Web, the WWW! Yeah, we call it ocean, cuz there are lots of information hidden there surreptitiously. Any search engine couldn’t return the result with more than 1% accuracy.

You might be thinking we are just fooling around with our nutty wacky brains! But to prove you, approximately web contained 7,500 terabytes of data and 550 billion individual documents. Ohh.!! That’s was in year 2000, Y2K! But a much concrete proof by one of the world’s best university, UC, Berkley contemplate from a study by extrapolating things and found out that the web is about 91,000 Terra Bytes and the surface web can amass just 167 TB of data! ( OMFG…a 4GB DVD can stockpile complete 1 season of FRIENDS with some space still left to store lewd wallpaper! And the eff…they are talking TBzzz!).

Talking about what is concealed in that deep dark web, with ballpark figure we can assume things like Dynamic pages, Unlink content(blacklinks), Scripted Contents, private web and many other treasures are still undiscovered . So the question come to a pass, are there no expectations to crawl this dark net? We won’t be bamboozling you but still there are many new algorithms which are being devised and are in their betas to conquer untamed net. The spaceships for exploring this obscure net are called “Crawlers” with codes searching the hyperlinks as their captains!

Great search engines like Bing and Google, having scintillating stats of increase in economy by 9000% every year, doesn’t chart things which are stored in profundity. The mania of concern is that, customary humans are not able to peek in this stunning celestial world of knowledge, facts and comprehensions. ‘Seeds’ of information are spread ubiquitously but the need is to identify them! Search engines are doing quite good trade, still fighting to conquer this colossal erudite creature, THE DEEP DARK NET!

Author’s reflection: Lagoon and Ocean comparisons are too small looking at the universe of hidden TBs. Anyone who can devise a code to crawl the dark net will surely earn greens but for the new age he would be like the first man on moon.

Creative Commons License
The Dark Net..!! by Sanidhya Nanavati is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Optimistic Pessimism: an approach of reverse Psychology and existence of Yin and Yang!

-Sanidhya Nanavati

From the 1st grade it’s been taught to us to think in a much fantastical optimistic approach, id est (i.e.), to look at the positive scintillating side of prospects. The age old example has always been the same overused cliché of ‘Half- filled Water Glass’ which as a placebo works always in a chain reaction creating a euphonic feel good deceitfulness . But still, it is quite unfair that in view of the fact that we are just amused looking at the optimistic side of coin not being meditative on ‘the other opinion’. Let us for a while think a bit of a contradictory sphere of influence.

It is indispensable for us to ponder over few things, the equilibrium. From ancient Mythology to future expressions it is always predominant that existence of both the energies, viz positive and negative, is important for an equilibrium. The Yin-yang concept do agrees that for every bright existing thing there is a darker side. It’s a duo; you can’t separate any of them. If there is an existence of a positive philosophy then there should be a negative one too associated with that. That’s nature, and one can’t think of betraying it.

Considering the same thought, the series of optimism should have a pessimism attached to it. It’s the clandestine code which is much needed to be deciphered though. It’s not so complex but the thing is that we have not thought of it, the typical pattern. Pessimism is often treated in a disdainful approach rather than understanding the potential of immense possibilities hidden behind it, yeah that’s an optimistic approach for considering the not-so-brighter-thought. We can just call it an Optimistic pessimism approach, extracting optimism from pessimistic things. It can better be explained by the same metaphor of half filled glass water. Considering it as half empty is not a sign of pessimism but a hidden passion to challenge our limits to excel, to fill the glass of water again to its extremity.

We can also have another perception, on equilibrium, which can be found abundantly in various humdrum assumed effects but if contemplated in a more concentrated approach can yield marvel interesting facts of life. The North-South Pole of magnet, Masculinity- Femininity, water and fire; there is always a duo. Considering, gravitation force too, it involves two objects. Actually the yin and yang is periodic, and it is impossible to abide any one of them. If there is an existence of something saintly angelic then there is a demonic figure surely involved with that. There are many examples which are spread across the chronology and can suggest us that for every downbeat fixation or calamities by nature are always followed by a positive event. These are things which are left neglected. Osama Bin Laden does have a negative figure, but for some good it was answer to the world that USA is not a Big Boss! Even the aftermath can be considered as an optimistic effect of the dreadful cause. The eradication of Taliban followed by democratic integrity of Afghanistan and women empowerment was a great cause! Volcanic eruptions are not the nature’s way of destruction but a step of development of new terrains and new lives. Every negative figure may not be scornful but can be a step of next development. There is always a new beginning or underpinning after an end.

Optimism is a virtue but pessimism should not be considered as a negative epidemic. Pessimism actually something which can sometimes bring motivation. So better have a balanced diet for your life!

Creative Commons License
Optimistic Pessimism: an approach of reverse Psychology and existence of Yin and Yang! by Sanidhya Nanavati is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Vision for Empowering Rural India(seriously)

India was metaphorically called The Golden Sparrow, a prosperous developed nation of new opportunities, aspiration and an egalitarian society with abundant possibilities of finding the ideal realm. That was just ‘PAST’ and it’s always euphonic to talk about the great scintillating chronology. But, on finding the true scenario of present India, we are just living in a world of hallucination which is fallaciously erected upon endeavors of sham-shoddy philosophies based on ‘education-and-employment-for-all’ dogma. Even many of us are (day)-dreaming of competing with the decidedly potent USA with what we call a developmental growth till 2020.

Trying not to ride a pessimistic-cynical ship, still we, the today’s youth can certainly accumulate to create a better India. Recently there was a thought from our most bellowed Ex-president Dr. A.P.J Abdul Kalam that developing India can only be possible by strengthening our pastoral Bharat Varsha. Pondering on this thought, it’s quite promising that we can unquestionably take this herculean task of empowering out ‘roots’, though a simple concept but mightily a much leviathan task. But Saturn cries, what should be the perfect-arrangement-like-fixation that can be implemented to serve the Indian society of more than 100 crore population with 60% living in precincts lacking basic amenities of life?

A solution to this complex problem can be “Employment for Self Development” (call it EFSD). This EFSD can include development of rural India by providing basic services with much needed men power from the scantily employed rural region. It’s like generating self employment by developing own territory. It can be started by building canals, better roads, lavatories, residential facilities, etc in bucolic greens generating tremendous opportunity for rural employment and development in unison. There are mainly two advantages of EFSD:

Firstly, the development of parish communities will establish a society of sustainable and self-dependent humanity which is capable of independent development irrespective of varied denial contradictions of overall collapse. People themselves are liable for development of their own subject. The positive upshot is that people of particular region have a better idea of what they actually want, id est, fulfilling their own needs rather than adding superfluous aspects.

Secondly, providing ample opportunities of employment and skilled labor:

This can deal with the term of training not so skilled Indian manual labor for these colossal tasks which can ornament and sharpen our immense potential of man power. In turn, we will get a better development scale plus employment thwarting all the unnecessary ailing economy.

Employment for Self Development (EFD) will require a backhand administration from national government based management which provide firm platform for this arrangement. Another aspect which can be added by involving private players will again give this idea another dimension for sustainable development. Privatization though need some surveillance by government agencies but if introduced effectively, can append a batch to this foundation.

Another segment which needs adhered attentiveness is quality education for all. It’s quite comprehensible that today’s education system is not so tangible in achieving its goal of absolute enlightenment. Still, many children are devoid of their right for elementary education. The definition of structurally sound and equipped nation can’t be complete without apposite edification conveniences. Concentrating on education is quite productive whilst and beneficial as technology when meets with traditional skills surely create a brilliance which is surely not a meteoric marvel but a phenomena which can turn things upright. Educated farmers using new technologies and hybrid seeds will provide better gross production on the other hand conversant techno house-wives can reduce the infant mortality rate and better preferences over superstitious gimmicks. This can be achieved by increasing educational facilities amidst India by making it compulsory and free.

There can be numerous ways in which we achieve development rate but the solitary intend in the wake of this idea is to unite ‘Rural Bharat’ with ‘Urban India’. There are numerous visionaries of modern India dreaming about dynamic future, nick of the time solicits for a dynamic thinker with static aim of empowering India. We need an idealist not a fantasist!

Creative Commons License
Vision for Empowering Rural India by Sanidhya Nanavati is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.