Sign In The Bun Jokes: 04/01/2010 - 05/01/2010


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Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Optimistic Pessimism: an approach of reverse Psychology and existence of Yin and Yang!

-Sanidhya Nanavati

From the 1st grade it’s been taught to us to think in a much fantastical optimistic approach, id est (i.e.), to look at the positive scintillating side of prospects. The age old example has always been the same overused cliché of ‘Half- filled Water Glass’ which as a placebo works always in a chain reaction creating a euphonic feel good deceitfulness . But still, it is quite unfair that in view of the fact that we are just amused looking at the optimistic side of coin not being meditative on ‘the other opinion’. Let us for a while think a bit of a contradictory sphere of influence.

It is indispensable for us to ponder over few things, the equilibrium. From ancient Mythology to future expressions it is always predominant that existence of both the energies, viz positive and negative, is important for an equilibrium. The Yin-yang concept do agrees that for every bright existing thing there is a darker side. It’s a duo; you can’t separate any of them. If there is an existence of a positive philosophy then there should be a negative one too associated with that. That’s nature, and one can’t think of betraying it.

Considering the same thought, the series of optimism should have a pessimism attached to it. It’s the clandestine code which is much needed to be deciphered though. It’s not so complex but the thing is that we have not thought of it, the typical pattern. Pessimism is often treated in a disdainful approach rather than understanding the potential of immense possibilities hidden behind it, yeah that’s an optimistic approach for considering the not-so-brighter-thought. We can just call it an Optimistic pessimism approach, extracting optimism from pessimistic things. It can better be explained by the same metaphor of half filled glass water. Considering it as half empty is not a sign of pessimism but a hidden passion to challenge our limits to excel, to fill the glass of water again to its extremity.

We can also have another perception, on equilibrium, which can be found abundantly in various humdrum assumed effects but if contemplated in a more concentrated approach can yield marvel interesting facts of life. The North-South Pole of magnet, Masculinity- Femininity, water and fire; there is always a duo. Considering, gravitation force too, it involves two objects. Actually the yin and yang is periodic, and it is impossible to abide any one of them. If there is an existence of something saintly angelic then there is a demonic figure surely involved with that. There are many examples which are spread across the chronology and can suggest us that for every downbeat fixation or calamities by nature are always followed by a positive event. These are things which are left neglected. Osama Bin Laden does have a negative figure, but for some good it was answer to the world that USA is not a Big Boss! Even the aftermath can be considered as an optimistic effect of the dreadful cause. The eradication of Taliban followed by democratic integrity of Afghanistan and women empowerment was a great cause! Volcanic eruptions are not the nature’s way of destruction but a step of development of new terrains and new lives. Every negative figure may not be scornful but can be a step of next development. There is always a new beginning or underpinning after an end.

Optimism is a virtue but pessimism should not be considered as a negative epidemic. Pessimism actually something which can sometimes bring motivation. So better have a balanced diet for your life!

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Optimistic Pessimism: an approach of reverse Psychology and existence of Yin and Yang! by Sanidhya Nanavati is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.