Sign In The Bun Jokes: 2012


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Monday, December 17, 2012

The joy of Sharing!

Ho ho ho…! Here comes the Christmas month, which brings with itself the zest, zeal and gusto of love, of gratitude and the altruism reverberating peace and joy all around. What make it more interesting are the festivities and gifts, the merriment, fun and the spirit of sharing floating around.
Festivals and tradition go hand in hand. These traditions always remind us of our roots, of who we are. The thing which makes us different from other fauna is humanity. Human is human only when the spirit of love resides in oneself. Many a times, life gives us opportunities in form of blessings to do something for the fellow beings. And, this burgeoning act of sharing delivers an elysian-ic joy … more appeasing then the greatest of greatest gifts.
In all the religion sharing is considered to be the greatest form of devotion. Call it ‘Zakat’ in Islam or the holy ‘Daswant’ in Sikhism. Hindus perform the act of ‘Daan’ while the month of Christmas is devoted to sharing. All of them have their indigenous roots associated with unconditional sharing and altruism. This not only brings in the cognition of serenity but also bustles ones inside with the feeling of superlative joy … the joy of sharing.
In virtue, a core aspect of being human, sharing doesn’t bind itself to the concept of materialistic ventures, but is more prolific. It has more penchants towards any act of selflessness. Sharing is not about giving money for charity but sharing a smile while spending time in an old age home. It is not about lending a penny to the misfortunate but sharing that hidden piece of chocolate in your desk with colleagues. Share a joke over a cup of coffee…share the crying brows… share your guitar notes.  Sharing is an ideology, share your knowledge, share your stories, share your dreams. The joy of sharing is not a secret recipe, it is imbibed within you. Let that joy set free.
Sigmund Freud truly said, “When we share – that is poetry in the prose of life.”

Happy Sharing…!

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

The new Domain Saga

With growing internet technologies and the need to institute cyber presence has really fueled the existence of websites. If you own a website, domain name plays a vital role in marketing your strategy online. But the problem is, whenever we try to list our desired domain name… “It-is-already-TAKEN!” The alternate option is to compromise with our choice or to have all such cheesy domain names having numerals, hyphens or crazy extensions. But, the New Domain Saga has cured this predicament.
You always tickle your nerve and end up thinking about the magnanimity of internet fraternity to allow you for various domains (this also include internationalized domain names – names in different text script). So the questions are: what’s the size of this colossal list and who maintains it? When does this list will get over or exhaust?
We would like to answer the latter one first. The answer is ‘Never’! There are more than 2 Billion domain names and this list is main-tained by Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN). In order to solve this problem of unavailable ‘.COM’ do-mains, ICANN structured regional, national and other domains to furbish the needs of internet users( E.g.: .ASIA, .IN, .TV, etc.) calling them Generic Top Level Domain (gLTD’s).
Unfortunately, again, these gLTD’s exhausted with the advent of social network and other new advancement in this field. As a meas-ure, ICANN commissioned internet giants to propose new domain names. In the year 2011, history was re-written, and here came the concept of ‘community based and open gLTD’s. With these new gLTD’s, we will have around 1900 new domains registered instead of having generic gLTD’s. Now, if you own a pizza center, you can have something like or better ‘’. If you host an app on any of the markets, you can host a website with domain Just imagine, the torrent of do-mains available and potency to which you can utilize (exploit?) it.
Considering the trend and new mechanizations, Google have ap-plied for more than 101 new domains including crazy ones like ‘.dog’ and ‘.lol’. Though, the master of domain registrations is Donuts Inc. with more than 300 register requests. Why these numbers are so hyped, is because of the reason that the cost per domain is $185,000. Another bizarre consideration is that, it is not sure that each application will be accepted. Amazon and Google both have registered for ‘.cloud’.
Advent of this new trend is like a new field of research, how the market will react and what all can be registered. Also, it brings out market opportunities for players to bid for their and other’s do-mains. The other side, with top level 22 gLTD’s, we have millions of websites but with new 1900 inclusions. It surely is a call for chaos. The new e-world will be suffering from domain phishing, domain squatting, domain crouching and all the vices. There will be more struggles and less stability. Domain fights and domain burgling will be the general seen. Amazon started the fight by bidding for Facebook’s ‘.like’. Is this the start of new tech war? Whatever it is, but surely it opened new vistas to create and publish content with one’s unique identity and will ham-per the notion ‘identity crises’. 

Quick Facts Price for a new gLTD is $185,000 and to maintain it you have to pay $25,000.
 Even political parties can’t remain unaffected by technology, watch for .DEMOCRAT and .REPUBLICAN.
 Amazon applied for 76 while Google applied for 101 domains. Winner is Donuts Inc. with 307 domains. Donuts Inc. ––– A com-pany started in 2011 just after announcement of new Do-mains. Interesting!
 The most sought out registration was for ‘.APP’ ––– 13 appli-cants. Now, there will be a bidding for multiple application (here .app) which may earn a lot of profit for the NGO, ICANN.
 Hebrew, Chinese, Japanese, Arabic etc. are the other lan-guages apart from English for which registration has been filed.